What is Ceramic Coating, How Is It Made? - Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Car Rental

What is Ceramic Coating, How Is It Made? - Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Car Rental - 5sCarRental


What is Ceramic Coating, How Is It Made? - Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Car Rental

What is Ceramic Coating, How Is It Made? - Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Car Rental

What is Ceramic Coating and How Is It Made? - Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Car Rental

Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rental< As a /strong> company, we have covered the answer to the question what is ceramic coating, how is it made that drivers wonder about, in this blog. So what is ceramic coating and how is it done? You can continue reading our blog for details.

Recently, numerous videos have been published on social media showing that the mud thrown on the hood of the car is slipping away without leaving any stains. Many viewers have heard the term "ceramic" or "nano" coating for the first time. As a Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rental company, we wanted to inform the drivers about ceramic and nano coating.

How well do these videos reflect reality? As a Izmir Adnan Menderes Airportcar rental company, we answer your questions. Will the ceramic coating damage my car or will it really protect my car from corrosion and contaminants like mud, bird droppings, acid rain, salt, resin? Are they some kind of marketing manager? Why is the process so expensive even though the bottle is so small?

Why Ceramic Coating is done?

< p>In this article, Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rental firm 5sCarRental we will explain the reality of ceramic coatings. We will do our best to assist and complete this application for those who decide to seek protection based on their claims. While the protection these coatings provide may seem excellent, there are still some potential drawbacks in the future.

You want your vehicle to look just as good as the day you first bought it. However, despite all your efforts, scratches and stains began to spread on the body of the vehicle and the paint of the vehicle began to turn dull from the sun. Bird droppings, salty roads, resin, rain, snow, ice and other adverse weather conditions can cause the paint to deform over time. When washing the vehicle, the brush or duster used can increase the scratches. Even after cleaning, the chemicals and hard water used can cause stains on the vehicle.

Although polishing can give your tool a good shine, it may take several months. It can even thin the paint of the vehicle over time. That's why people are looking for a permanent ceramic coating solution. The technology was originally designed for the oil and aerospace industries and then quickly spread to the automotive industry. . As a Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rental company, we answer the question of what is ceramic coating.

What is Ceramic Coating?

Ceramic coating can be applied to the original paint of the vehicle and can be applied to the original paint of the vehicle. It is a protective layer that creates a second layer to prevent damage. In other words, it acts as a shield for vehicle paint by penetrating the deepest part of the pores on the surface.

This product uses nanotechnology to form a very thin layer that cannot be clearly seen with the naked eye. Because these particles are so small, when applied to the surface they will seal all the holes, make the surface hydrophobic (waterproof) and have UV resistance, scratch resistance, chemical resistance, high temperature resistance and even graffiti resistance. This layer is completely invisible and transparent.

Ceramic Coating Application

İzmir Adnan As a Menderes Airport car rental company, we recommend that you apply to trained and certified professional services when you decide to use ceramic coating on your vehicles. Depending on the paint condition, vehicle size and the packaging you choose, the labor time is 1-5 days.

In general, one liquid pipe is sufficient for each vehicle. The surface must be cleaned before use. Surface scratches are removed. The vehicle is dried and a ceramic coating is applied the next day. After applying the liquid in the disposable tube to the cloth with the help of a microfiber or soft cloth that will not scratch the vehicle, it is gently applied to the vehicle body. The application is divided into 2 tiers, 3 tiers or 4 tiers depending on the packaging chosen. So what are the benefits of ceramic coating? As Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rental company, we will talk about the benefits of ceramic coating.

What are the Benefits of Ceramic Coating?

Ceramic coating can protect car paint from abrasion, cracking, peeling and flaking. At the same time, thanks to its smooth surface, it can be cleaned more easily to protect the car hood from dirt and bird droppings. provides protection. It prevents the hood from holding water. With its UV protection function, it can prevent the car paint from fading due to sunlight. The vehicle does not need to be polished.